Available files to download
The first edition of the Annual Reports of the Association for Mound Research 103, published in 2023 under the title Frisian mounds in cross-section. Landscape, habitation and exploitation, edited by Johan Nicolay and Gilles de Langen, was accompanied by a folder, a map appendix, with profile and surface drawings (Part II). The second edition contains only the book, under the same title. The profile and surface drawings are made available as digital maps to buyers of the second edition, and also to other interested parties. The map supplement will be placed online in September.
Dissertation Dr. Marijke Miedema, 1983
Dissertation Marijke Miedema, 1983, Twenty-five centuries of habitation in the mound country northwest of Groningen.
In 1983, Mrs. Marijke Miedema at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam with a thesis entitled Twenty-five centuries of habitation in the mound country northwest of Groningen. The thesis was for sale at the Association for Terpen Research for a long time, but has now been sold out. Dr. Marijke Miedema gave the association permission to digitize her dissertation, which consists of three parts + a map. You may download these files for your own use and for scientific purposes.
When using the images in publications, the correct source must be stated: Source: Miedema 1983.
In your bibliography you include: Miedema, M. 1983, Twenty-five centuries of habitation in the mound country northwest of Groningen. Dissertation Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.
The terpenatlas by H. Halbertsma 1963: text and maps
The map atlas, belonging to Terpenbetween Vlie and Eems, published in 1963 by Dr. H. Halbertsma, has been digitized with the permission of the copyright holders.
You may download these maps for your own use and for scientific purposes. The numbers refer to the map sheets of the Topographical Atlas of the Netherlands. Reproduction of the maps is not permitted without permission of the copyright holders.
When using the maps in publications, correct attribution must be given:
When using images: Source: Halbertsma 1963, part I Atlas.
In the bibliography: Halbertsma, H. 1963, Terps between Vlie and Eems. A geographical-historical approach, Part I Atlas. J.B. Wolters and Association for Terpen Research, Groningen.
The text part, Part II, can also be downloaded below. In the bibliography: Halbertsma, H. 1963, Terps between Vlie and Eems. A geographical-historical approach, Part II Text. J.B. Wolters and Association for Terpen Research, Groningen.